Technical Merit Award Nomination
Applications are due Monday, May 9
Send application and materials to:
Metropolitan H.S. Theater Awards
60 Saw Mill Rd.
New City, NY 10956
Email: helenhayesyt@gmail.com
Questions? 845-826-2049
The Technical Merit award is a teacher-nominated honor awarded to students who show leadership and talent in any area of technical theater.
Previous nominees have included:
Student directors, choreographers, musical directors, producers, stage managers, lighting designers, set designers, costume designers and technical directors.
To be considered for this category:
1. Email us your student's name and area of nomination (stage manager, lighting designer, etc) as well as a short recommendation describing your experience working with your student.
2. In order to be nominated, student nominees must send in
Relevant documentation they have of their work including set designs, lighting plots, stage manager’s books, etc.
A paragraph describing their role in the production, what they learned in the process and if they plan to continue
working in technical theater either in college and/or their career.
Please note: We will not accept technical merit nominations unless the student provides us with support materials and paragraph.
All materials will be returned at the Metro Awards ceremony on June 10.
Teachers may nominate up to 3 students from their school.